Swimming at YCC
Swimming at The Youngstown Country Club pool is geared toward making summer at The Club a relaxing, yet exciting place! There are plenty of swimming programs and activities for children and adults, and some social activities as well! Whether you are a swimmer, or just a sun bather, The Youngstown Country Club pool is the place to be!
The pool is especially geared toward families with children. The Youngstown Country Club offers a strong swimming lesson program and has one of the most dynamic water fitness programs in Northeast Ohio. With an atmosphere where even the youngest swimmers feel safe and welcome, where the teenagers can learn and have fun and where adults can relax and enjoy the summer!
The Youngstown Country Club’s pool features a 6-lane, 25 yard pool with 3-1/2 to 10 feet depths. There is also a separate kiddie pool with its own filtration. All members must register before entering the pool area, this includes members, children and any guests. There is a large dining space and a separate covered pavilion that may be reserved for parties of any size.

Frequently Asked Questions
Pool Hours
The pool will be open daily Tuesday through Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. It is to be used only during these designated hours. The pool is open until 4 p.m. on Mondays for private or group swim lessons only. Arrangements for use of the pool after regular hours by groups of Club members can be made with the Club Manager. A lifeguard must be in attendance.
Children under twelve (12) years of age must be accompanied by a parent or competent babysitter, in addition a financial responsibility form must be completed and signed by the member authorizing this and given to the Club Manager. Also, while in the pool, children under 6 must be accompanied by an adult or approved baby sitter. Use of the pool after 5:00 p.m. is reserved for adults as well as boys and girls whose parents are either with them at the pool or on the grounds of the Club.
The Club's standard of proper attire shall be observed at all times while in the pool area. No one in bathing attire shall be permitted beyond the pool area. This includes the fenced-in area itself, the upper pool deck, the Terrace Room, Grille, the Garden Terrace and East Porch Patio and any other adjacent area designated for play, e.g., volleyball. Golf shoes must not be worn at the pool level. Children in swim diapers only may be permitted into the main pool. The baby pool is for small children and no swimmers under the age of six.
Dressing Room and Locker Rooms
Dressing rooms for men and women are located in the bathhouse adjoining the pool for swimmers and tennis players 14 years and older. Lockers with combinations are available through the main office, subject to a seasonal charge. Children are not permitted in these dressing/locker rooms unless accompanied by a parent or approved baby sitter. The ladies' locker room in the main Clubhouse is for the use of lady golfers and is not to be used by lady bathers except those who have regularly rented lockers. It is requested that damp bathing suits which are to be left in the golf locker room be given to the locker room attendant for drying.
Dining at the Pool and Pool Deck
Food and beverage service is available during the season from 11:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., weather permitting from a Y.C.C. staff member only. Liquid refreshments and plastic glasses are permitted. Glass containers are forbidden within the pool area. Chewing gum is not permitted in the pool area. No food or drink is to be brought onto Club property from outside the Club, unless approved by the Board of Trustees.
Swimming Lessons
Private swimming lessons are available by appointment. They will be given on Mondays and please consult the Pool Manager for information on lessons and rates.
Running or climbing fences in the pool area is strictly prohibited. Lifeguards have complete authority to enforce all rules. Swimming privileges will be suspended for any person interfering with the enjoyment or safety of others. No person shall use the pool unless a lifeguard is on duty. All persons using the swimming pool and pool equipment do so at their own risk. The Club will not be responsible for injuries suffered by persons in or around this area. Pool checks will occur ten minutes before the top of every hour. During this time children will not be permitted to swim; however, adult swim will be allowed. Please refrain from social contact with the lifeguards while they are on duty. For the safety of all, smoking is permitted on the Pool Deck area/ courtyard only. All cigarettes and cigars must be placed in the smoking receptacles, not on the cement.